Tuesday 24 April 2018

This is just a basic concept🙇...i wanted to use the elements to create a mysterious 🌩scene...but my baby 👶digital art skills made me believe this looked perfect👍... but yeah....so...😅

Sunday 15 April 2018

✨my avatar..!!!🌺 she's based off the character I 💎use for my 🍨everyday comics...!!!(that's basically me)🐱
cutesy💖 2am drawing🎨 ...i love spontaneous art🍦...!!!!

Saturday 14 April 2018

This is me trying to upgrade my 💻🎨digital painting skills...if it looks like it.😅
...So, this is a hotel🏨, in the middle of a tropical 🌴island...with a mystery🔍 to solve...if you must...... 

Wednesday 11 April 2018

😋character designing!!! 🎨 trying digitally..💻.learnt to use brushes and 🐱shading

🃏what if Alice wasn't that nice and defeated the 👑Queen and took over wonderland?🐇

this angry😠 guy destroys 🌇buildings and stuff in one 👊blow...but he loves jewelry✨👨

will he throw the apple at you😈 or make an 🍰apple pie for you😇? he likes his hat🤠

💖💙💛💜Yuya matsushita💗💚😍...want to improve this tho...💦😊
Script : DO I KNOW YOU?



-Description: With the war ongoing outside, a fairy Jolinn hides in a room with her injured lover, Kayin, who wants to go back and fight in the war, but Jolinn wants him to stay. Fire surrounds the destroyed city, and enemy soldiers are attacking everyone, and closing in on their house.


Huge war ongoing among the fairies and magical creatures of the forest.

(Closeup to a half-destroyed cottage)

Kayin lies wounded while Jolinn sits nearby.

KAYIN: Jolinn…I’d promised to stay with you forever…but now because of this war…it seems so difficult…

JOLINN: (Stares out the window at the oncoming soldiers) Please, Kayin, we can survive together…

KAYIN: No…I swore to protect our clan along with the other men…I won’t back down (Gets up in pain)

JOLINN: (Rushes to help him)

KAYIN: Get back! I need to protect my oath!

JOLINN: (in disbelief) ...but what about your oath to me?!

(They stand in front of each other)

KAYIN: You think I’d forget about it? (Reaches into his pocket) here… (pulls out a bracelet) wear this.

JOLINN: What’s this?

KAYIN: As long as you wear this, rest assured that I’ll come back to you. Never lose it. Do you trust me?

JOLINN: (Stares wide eyed, as the fire blazing through the forest reflects in Kayin’s eyes) Of course 

(Her expression changes to determination)

(Kayin stares at her before charging headlong outside right amidst the fight. Jolinn watches with supressed horror as the enemy guards end him violently, like the others)

(Fire increases as camera pans towards the sky)



-Description: After waiting for a hundred years, Jolinn has become used to her new life in the modern life. Because of living in isolation, she wanted to know what had happened all these past years, so she enrolled herself in a school, after discovering the bracelet’s hidden powers.



(Camera pans down)

[Most of the forest has been cleared to make a city, save a few trees including the one that housed Jolinn and Kayin, and some bushes, that are inside a public park.]

(Modern day children play around while people go around jogging and cycling)

(Closeup to the biggest bush, leaves part to reveal a tiny door hidden well away inside the bush)

DINING TABLE is next to the window.

(A tiny winged figure: Jolinn: tosses around in the bed, as camera zooms in)

JOLINN: *yawns* What a beautiful morning…!!! Hmm…What do I cook today… (She gets off the bed and goes towards the kitchen with a smile. She takes a pan and starts to cook.)
Oh, I hope I’m not late for school…!!! (She twirls around as she dresses and sits at the table with a flourish.

(She takes a spoonful of cereal, and the bracelet on her hand sparkles in the sunlight streaming in through the window)


(Jolinn flutters out the door, and balances carefully on a thin branch. She is as tall as three inches. She reaches for her bracelet and gently brushes it. A shimmering cloud engulfs her, and she emerges nonchalantly as a five-foot-tall human girl, her wings disappeared.)


-Description: A normal day at school



(LILITH stands under a tree, at the gate of the school)

LILITH: Hey Jo..!!! Come on…!!! We’re gonna be late!!!!

(Jolinn jogs over to her)

JOLINN: Yeah come on…!!!

(they run inside)


LILITH: ..so Jo..how about we go shopping today? I heard there’s a sale on strawberries at the mall today. ..And I’ve got some coupons…

JOLINN: (smiles and nods while remembering)


KAYIN: Hey!!! Hey Jolinn! Come outside!

JOLINN: (comes out the door) ..what happened?

KAYIN: (smiling excitedly) Look! The seeds we planted! They’ve grown into some kind of a fruit! 
And they smell so sweet!

JOLINN: Can we eat them? (goes around observing the fruits that are half as big as them)

KAYIN: To each their own!

(Jolinn turns around as Kayin bites into a fruit)

JOLINN: Hey Kayin! Don’t!

KAYIN: Wow! Don’t worry. They’re so sweet! Here, have some.

(Jolinn takes a bite a smiles)

KAYIN: See?!



-Description: It is shown that even her best friend doesn’t know Jolinn’s real identity.



(She goes around the house cleaning and dusting, and a week goes by)


Late afternoon

(Lilith and Jolinn walk down the road)

LILITH: Hey Jo, you should come over to my house today! I’ve got this huge cake I can’t finish…


(they stop in front of Lilith’s house)

LILITH: Jo, I’ve never been to your house. Can I come over tomorrow?

JOLINN: (startled) Uh..um, Actually the renovation I told you about; It’s still going on…

LILITH: Still? Oh, nevermind…Come on in!

(they go in)


-Description: Kayin makes his entry, as a human with a secret. Jolinn recognises him and remembers 
past memories from a hundred years ago.




{the corridor has classes on one side and opens out to the misty courtyard on the other side}

(Jolinn is walking with Lilith. They carry books)

[A group of boys walk past them across the corridor, from the class towards the courtyard. Kayin walks at the front of the group, as other boys flock around him, chattering. Kayin walks firmly, looking straight ahead. ]

(Jolinn and Lilith pause for a moment to let them pass. Lilith looks elsewhere. Kayin has caught the attention of Jolinn. )

JOLINN: (wide eyed and a bit shook) Is it..? Could it be…But he looks just like…!!!

(The boys walk over to a clearing among the trees in the courtyard.)



The courtyard is misty and few sunrays pass through the clouds and scatter around the clearing.

(The boys stand under the biggest tree, still chattering and fooling about)

(Jolinn stands behind a smaller tree at a distance and peeks at the boys)

[Among the other boys Kayin stands still, has a calm expression, but does not smile. He looks around at the others.]

{Camera view changes to Jolinn’s POV}

(Kayin looks around and suddenly his eyes meet Jolinn’s.

{POV end}

(Jolinn turns around and sticks to the tree, in shock, before either could say anything.)

JOLINN: Oh my goodness!!! It is him!!! I can’t believe it!


Peaceful forest

A tiny bustling town

(Kaylin helps Jolinn as she is about lose control of an overflowing wheelbarrow)

KAYLIN: Are you okay? (flashes a gentle smile)

(Jolinn blushes)


Cliff of a mountain

(Jolinn dangles off the cliff with Kaylin holding ono her hand, and eventually pulls her up to safety.

(they hug)


Lots of tiny stars sparkling, full moon

A flower terrace

(Kaylin and Jolinn stand atop the terrace, holding hands)

KAYIN: Jolinn, I love you. Will you stay with me forever?

JOLINN: (looks away, blushing, and giggles) yes, Kayin, if you promise to do so too.

KAYIN: I will. I swear to stay by your side forever.

The war

(Jolinn stares as wounded Kayin strides headlong into the battle, and her scream is unheard amongst the destruction, as the enemies end him)

KAYIN’S voice as JOLINN sinks to the floor: As long you have the bracelet, rest assured I will come back to you. Wait for me…


(Jolinn reaches for her bracelet)


(she turns into a fairy without a second thought and flies right back to her home in the bush)

It’s here! I know it’s here!!! (she digs through a trunk beside her bed)

I found it! (she pulls out an old, yellowed portrait of Kaylin, and starts to cry at the sight of it)

(Jolinn close shot)

Oh Kayin…how do I know if you remember me or not…


-Description: Jolinn befriends Kayin, and tries to find out if he remembered her.



Early afternoon

The corridor

(As their eyes meet, Kayin passes a sly smile at Jolinn, and she stares back)


A classroom

(Kayin sits on the front bench in the center)

(Jolinn peers in from the doorway)

(She walks in, taking a deep breath, and stands a bit far from Kayin’s desk. He sits with his head down)
KAYIN: So you found me, huh?

JOLINN: w-what do you mean?

KAYIN: Of course.

(Jolinn stares on. Other students are fooling around as usual)

KAYIN: (after pausing for a moment) I saw you staring at me yesterday. And you were waiting for 
me today, didn’t you?

JOLINN: (somewhat relaxed) Oh..Oh yeah, actually I…I-I…um…

KAYIN: ..like me? I can tell.

JOLINN: yeah, so….I’m Jo-

KAYIN: Jolinn, right?

JOLINN: How do you know?

KAYIN: I found out from someone yesterday.


KAYIN: Got scared? Hah, cute. Nice to meet you. Kayin..oh, you already know my name, don’t you?

JOLINN: K-Kayin? That’s a beautiful name…(she gets embarrassed all of a sudden)

KAYIN: Hey, what’s wrong? You wanted to talk to me, hm? Now you look like you’re going to start crying.

JOLINN: Uh…no..actually…you look so different from your personality…He behaves so differently..it’s like he’s someone else…but…he looks just like my Kayin, and even his name…

KAYIN: what are you thinking now? Haha, you think a lot…nevermind, tell me later…I have class now, and you too, so go (he smiles).

To be continued...