Tuesday 30 October 2018

These are confidence stickers⭐, and the captions are some of my overused 🗩dialogues...also the character's name is Sarah..🎀
Now this is the river that you saw in the 🌳forest of three choices. If you follow it up the 🚵mountain, this is what you'll see. The white castle 🌈wasn't what it looked like from afar, was it? 😉This place is called the Frozen Regrets❄... so I hope you brought a coat along...😄

This is the forest of three choices.😆..where do you go??...into the cave🌳, across the waterfall🌊, or follow the river to the 🏰white crystal castle? each choice leads to a different destiny...!!!

Monday 8 October 2018

 Basic character design :F  Here's a princess👑 and an evil guy🔮, who might have had quite a history💖 together 😜

Tuesday 24 April 2018

This is just a basic concept🙇...i wanted to use the elements to create a mysterious 🌩scene...but my baby 👶digital art skills made me believe this looked perfect👍... but yeah....so...😅

Sunday 15 April 2018

✨my avatar..!!!🌺 she's based off the character I 💎use for my 🍨everyday comics...!!!(that's basically me)🐱
cutesy💖 2am drawing🎨 ...i love spontaneous art🍦...!!!!

Saturday 14 April 2018

This is me trying to upgrade my 💻🎨digital painting skills...if it looks like it.😅
...So, this is a hotel🏨, in the middle of a tropical 🌴island...with a mystery🔍 to solve...if you must...... 

Wednesday 11 April 2018

😋character designing!!! 🎨 trying digitally..💻.learnt to use brushes and 🐱shading

🃏what if Alice wasn't that nice and defeated the 👑Queen and took over wonderland?🐇

this angry😠 guy destroys 🌇buildings and stuff in one 👊blow...but he loves jewelry✨👨

will he throw the apple at you😈 or make an 🍰apple pie for you😇? he likes his hat🤠

💖💙💛💜Yuya matsushita💗💚😍...want to improve this tho...💦😊
Script : DO I KNOW YOU?



-Description: With the war ongoing outside, a fairy Jolinn hides in a room with her injured lover, Kayin, who wants to go back and fight in the war, but Jolinn wants him to stay. Fire surrounds the destroyed city, and enemy soldiers are attacking everyone, and closing in on their house.


Huge war ongoing among the fairies and magical creatures of the forest.

(Closeup to a half-destroyed cottage)

Kayin lies wounded while Jolinn sits nearby.

KAYIN: Jolinn…I’d promised to stay with you forever…but now because of this war…it seems so difficult…

JOLINN: (Stares out the window at the oncoming soldiers) Please, Kayin, we can survive together…

KAYIN: No…I swore to protect our clan along with the other men…I won’t back down (Gets up in pain)

JOLINN: (Rushes to help him)

KAYIN: Get back! I need to protect my oath!

JOLINN: (in disbelief) ...but what about your oath to me?!

(They stand in front of each other)

KAYIN: You think I’d forget about it? (Reaches into his pocket) here… (pulls out a bracelet) wear this.

JOLINN: What’s this?

KAYIN: As long as you wear this, rest assured that I’ll come back to you. Never lose it. Do you trust me?

JOLINN: (Stares wide eyed, as the fire blazing through the forest reflects in Kayin’s eyes) Of course 

(Her expression changes to determination)

(Kayin stares at her before charging headlong outside right amidst the fight. Jolinn watches with supressed horror as the enemy guards end him violently, like the others)

(Fire increases as camera pans towards the sky)



-Description: After waiting for a hundred years, Jolinn has become used to her new life in the modern life. Because of living in isolation, she wanted to know what had happened all these past years, so she enrolled herself in a school, after discovering the bracelet’s hidden powers.



(Camera pans down)

[Most of the forest has been cleared to make a city, save a few trees including the one that housed Jolinn and Kayin, and some bushes, that are inside a public park.]

(Modern day children play around while people go around jogging and cycling)

(Closeup to the biggest bush, leaves part to reveal a tiny door hidden well away inside the bush)

DINING TABLE is next to the window.

(A tiny winged figure: Jolinn: tosses around in the bed, as camera zooms in)

JOLINN: *yawns* What a beautiful morning…!!! Hmm…What do I cook today… (She gets off the bed and goes towards the kitchen with a smile. She takes a pan and starts to cook.)
Oh, I hope I’m not late for school…!!! (She twirls around as she dresses and sits at the table with a flourish.

(She takes a spoonful of cereal, and the bracelet on her hand sparkles in the sunlight streaming in through the window)


(Jolinn flutters out the door, and balances carefully on a thin branch. She is as tall as three inches. She reaches for her bracelet and gently brushes it. A shimmering cloud engulfs her, and she emerges nonchalantly as a five-foot-tall human girl, her wings disappeared.)


-Description: A normal day at school



(LILITH stands under a tree, at the gate of the school)

LILITH: Hey Jo..!!! Come on…!!! We’re gonna be late!!!!

(Jolinn jogs over to her)

JOLINN: Yeah come on…!!!

(they run inside)


LILITH: ..so Jo..how about we go shopping today? I heard there’s a sale on strawberries at the mall today. ..And I’ve got some coupons…

JOLINN: (smiles and nods while remembering)


KAYIN: Hey!!! Hey Jolinn! Come outside!

JOLINN: (comes out the door) ..what happened?

KAYIN: (smiling excitedly) Look! The seeds we planted! They’ve grown into some kind of a fruit! 
And they smell so sweet!

JOLINN: Can we eat them? (goes around observing the fruits that are half as big as them)

KAYIN: To each their own!

(Jolinn turns around as Kayin bites into a fruit)

JOLINN: Hey Kayin! Don’t!

KAYIN: Wow! Don’t worry. They’re so sweet! Here, have some.

(Jolinn takes a bite a smiles)

KAYIN: See?!



-Description: It is shown that even her best friend doesn’t know Jolinn’s real identity.



(She goes around the house cleaning and dusting, and a week goes by)


Late afternoon

(Lilith and Jolinn walk down the road)

LILITH: Hey Jo, you should come over to my house today! I’ve got this huge cake I can’t finish…


(they stop in front of Lilith’s house)

LILITH: Jo, I’ve never been to your house. Can I come over tomorrow?

JOLINN: (startled) Uh..um, Actually the renovation I told you about; It’s still going on…

LILITH: Still? Oh, nevermind…Come on in!

(they go in)


-Description: Kayin makes his entry, as a human with a secret. Jolinn recognises him and remembers 
past memories from a hundred years ago.




{the corridor has classes on one side and opens out to the misty courtyard on the other side}

(Jolinn is walking with Lilith. They carry books)

[A group of boys walk past them across the corridor, from the class towards the courtyard. Kayin walks at the front of the group, as other boys flock around him, chattering. Kayin walks firmly, looking straight ahead. ]

(Jolinn and Lilith pause for a moment to let them pass. Lilith looks elsewhere. Kayin has caught the attention of Jolinn. )

JOLINN: (wide eyed and a bit shook) Is it..? Could it be…But he looks just like…!!!

(The boys walk over to a clearing among the trees in the courtyard.)



The courtyard is misty and few sunrays pass through the clouds and scatter around the clearing.

(The boys stand under the biggest tree, still chattering and fooling about)

(Jolinn stands behind a smaller tree at a distance and peeks at the boys)

[Among the other boys Kayin stands still, has a calm expression, but does not smile. He looks around at the others.]

{Camera view changes to Jolinn’s POV}

(Kayin looks around and suddenly his eyes meet Jolinn’s.

{POV end}

(Jolinn turns around and sticks to the tree, in shock, before either could say anything.)

JOLINN: Oh my goodness!!! It is him!!! I can’t believe it!


Peaceful forest

A tiny bustling town

(Kaylin helps Jolinn as she is about lose control of an overflowing wheelbarrow)

KAYLIN: Are you okay? (flashes a gentle smile)

(Jolinn blushes)


Cliff of a mountain

(Jolinn dangles off the cliff with Kaylin holding ono her hand, and eventually pulls her up to safety.

(they hug)


Lots of tiny stars sparkling, full moon

A flower terrace

(Kaylin and Jolinn stand atop the terrace, holding hands)

KAYIN: Jolinn, I love you. Will you stay with me forever?

JOLINN: (looks away, blushing, and giggles) yes, Kayin, if you promise to do so too.

KAYIN: I will. I swear to stay by your side forever.

The war

(Jolinn stares as wounded Kayin strides headlong into the battle, and her scream is unheard amongst the destruction, as the enemies end him)

KAYIN’S voice as JOLINN sinks to the floor: As long you have the bracelet, rest assured I will come back to you. Wait for me…


(Jolinn reaches for her bracelet)


(she turns into a fairy without a second thought and flies right back to her home in the bush)

It’s here! I know it’s here!!! (she digs through a trunk beside her bed)

I found it! (she pulls out an old, yellowed portrait of Kaylin, and starts to cry at the sight of it)

(Jolinn close shot)

Oh Kayin…how do I know if you remember me or not…


-Description: Jolinn befriends Kayin, and tries to find out if he remembered her.



Early afternoon

The corridor

(As their eyes meet, Kayin passes a sly smile at Jolinn, and she stares back)


A classroom

(Kayin sits on the front bench in the center)

(Jolinn peers in from the doorway)

(She walks in, taking a deep breath, and stands a bit far from Kayin’s desk. He sits with his head down)
KAYIN: So you found me, huh?

JOLINN: w-what do you mean?

KAYIN: Of course.

(Jolinn stares on. Other students are fooling around as usual)

KAYIN: (after pausing for a moment) I saw you staring at me yesterday. And you were waiting for 
me today, didn’t you?

JOLINN: (somewhat relaxed) Oh..Oh yeah, actually I…I-I…um…

KAYIN: ..like me? I can tell.

JOLINN: yeah, so….I’m Jo-

KAYIN: Jolinn, right?

JOLINN: How do you know?

KAYIN: I found out from someone yesterday.


KAYIN: Got scared? Hah, cute. Nice to meet you. Kayin..oh, you already know my name, don’t you?

JOLINN: K-Kayin? That’s a beautiful name…(she gets embarrassed all of a sudden)

KAYIN: Hey, what’s wrong? You wanted to talk to me, hm? Now you look like you’re going to start crying.

JOLINN: Uh…no..actually…you look so different from your personality…He behaves so differently..it’s like he’s someone else…but…he looks just like my Kayin, and even his name…

KAYIN: what are you thinking now? Haha, you think a lot…nevermind, tell me later…I have class now, and you too, so go (he smiles).

To be continued...

Monday 26 March 2018

my logo..!🌈!!   a peppermint candy cane 😊🍧with a toffee on the top... 🍬sweet like art  😋

Saturday 24 February 2018

Character Description

Name:          Jolinn

Meaning of name: One who is patient, independent, a fighter, and leader

Species:        Fae

Hair color:   Flame orange

Eye color:    Jewel pink

Personality: She’s essentially bubbly with a touch of sass, and really good at finding positivity in all situations. Also, she’s a bit on the curious side, and has an air of independence. And a furious temper.

Most treasured possession: A pink crystal rose bracelet

History:  She was involved in a war among two kingdoms that rose out of jealousy. Her boyfriend, Kayin, along with the other men, who fought, were killed in that war. However, before dying, he handed her a bracelet and told her to wait, for he would return. Having been left the last one of the species, she decided to live in solitude deep inside the forest, now devoid of its magical creatures.
A hundred years pass, and one day, in the modernised word, a digging machine rumbles its way into the forest, uprooting trees and vegetation. That was when she realised that her dwelling was now on the brink of being turned into a park for the human civilization. No more than a couple of bushes from the great forest were left, where she continued to live.
Now a couple of decades into the modern world, she’ s finally caught on to the pace of the humans, and decides to enrol into a school, as with the power of the bracelet, she found out she could turn into a human. The bracelet was stolen by Kayin from the neighbouring kingdom’s ruler, as he had been told by a fortune teller about the war. He wanted to stay with Jolinn, so he figured the bracelet would help him. But little did he realise that this act itself would be the cause of the war in the first place. The neighbouring kingdom suspected that a spy had done the act, and when their accusations were not dealt with seriously, they attacked. The folk, unaware about the existence of such an incident, passed it as an act of jealousy over wealth and prosperity. Kayin, as well, was unaware.

Do I Know You?

The sun rises just as it did a century ago. The park is filled with people jogging, walking their dogs and exercising. In one of the bushes, there’s a tiny but perfectly furnished house in which lives the fairy Jolinn. Used to the regular schedule, she gets ready, and heads off to high school, but not before turning into a human using her bracelet.  Her best friend, Lilith greets her at the gate of her school. They go to class and study and chat and go shopping. They spend a day at Lilith’s house, and when she asked to go to Jolinn’s house, she could do nothing but apologize and give an excuse of renovation, so they go to karaoke. A couple days pass similarly.

Suddenly, one day, as she walks through the hallway with her clueless human best friend, she suddenly catches a glimpse of a familiar face. One that seemed faded away into a distance, yet so close. She runs after him and watches him from behind a tree, interacting with his friends. As he turns around and she looks at him, Jolinn realizes her long-lost love had, after all, fulfilled his promise. The one who had told her to wait. The one she had waited for. She remembered the fairy war that happened many centuries ago. How much time had passed since then she did not know. But what she did remember was that her lover had been a martyr in the war, and before dying, he had promised to return. She excitedly changes into her tinier, winged version, and flies off home to pull out an old, yellowed portrait, of her lover Kayin, and her, to show him, but decides not to. Later, Kayin passes her a sly smile, and Jolinn wonders whether he remembers everything or not. She follows him around on pretext of having a crush, and finally befriends him.

After dating a couple of months, and never mentioning the magical aspect of their relationship, Jolinn, unable to phrase it better, asks him if he knew her. He laughs the question off. Three more months pass happily, but the question is never repeated. However, along the way, she started to notice Lilith hanging around Kayin a little too much. She’s determined to find out the truth, as something seems out of place. Quietly suspecting Lilith and Kayin, she continued her daily life. But one day, returning home from shopping, she finds them roaming in the park that housed her bush. A wave of anger hit her, and instead of ignoring them and making believe stories, she marched right over and demanded an explanation about they were together without her.

Critical choice
Surprisingly, there was no hint of embarrassment or guilt on their faces, but a smug one, almost wicked. Not answering her question, they ask her back why she wasn’t going home and always lurking around that park. Then, they start demanding that she take them to visit her house. Upon her refusal, they reveal their knowledge about her being a fairy. While talking, they’d casually led her to a secluded place deep in the trees in park. There, Lilith suddenly waves her hand and turns into a witch, followed by Kayin, who turns into a fairy. He looked just as Jolinn remembered. Jolinn transformed too, in a daze. They were so small they could stand on a leaf.

When she looked back at Lilith, her eyes were glaring and angry, and she demanded that the rose bracelet be handed over to her as that it belonged to her. Upon being asked why she couldn’t do that earlier, she revealed that if she had straightaway taken the bracelet from Jolinn, it wouldn’t satisfy her revenge for having to rot in an underground prison for centuries, where she was thrown in by the enemy king, with false accusations, during the war. The moment the ground was torn open by a digging machine, she had taken off to hunt down the one who’d stolen her possession. Because of the bracelet’s powers, it was certain that the person would be reborn as a human or a fairy. Since there were no fae left, it had to be a human. And she was led to Kayin. And after that, the destined person was sure to find him, so she hung around, till Jolinn came around, and Lilith saw her turn into a fairy and fly away the day she first saw Kayin. Since then, Lilith had hung around Kayin, putting him under a spell that messed with his memories. That explained his constant changing behavior. Lilith had stolen the very person from Kayin whom he had stolen for from her.

Jolinn watches with horror, as her best friend stands alongside Kayin, wearing the dress of a witch, and Kayin looking no less evil. She can’t speak, as Lilith circles her, slightly bigger than her in her witch form. She then reveals that the root of the war was Jolinn herself, and how the kingdoms had war over the bracelet, and not some petty jealousy. She refuses to believe, and in the midst of their fight, Kayin admits to stealing the bracelet from Lilith of the neighboring kingdom and that it was a mistake. Lilith then smugly announces that she’d forgiven him, as long as he stayed with her instead of Jolinn. Kayin, under the hypnosis of Lilith’s dark magic, sides with her and attacks Jolinn.

With Kayin and Lilith attacking her, and the sadness of betrayal, coupled with years of no combat training, Jolinn soon finds herself losing. Still, she keeps fighting bravely, but when Kayin hits her, all the decades spent in isolation, waiting for him seem to go down the drain, and anger strikes her and she throws a powerful attack at him, hurling him away. Seeing a chance, Lilith rushes ahead to channel the final blow at Jolinn. But behind her, Kayin stands up, dazed. The pure magic in Jolinn’s blow was strong enough to break him out of his hypnosis. As he sees Lilith go for Jolinn, he flies right between her and the fiery blow, protecting Jolinn. Both watch in horror as he falls to the ground. Jolinn pleads Lilith to revive him, in exchange for the bracelet, to which she reluctantly agreed, for she herself had newfound respect for him, seeing his love for Jolinn, such that he could steal and put himself on the line for her.


After reviving Kayin, Lilith reveals that after foreseeing the war, she knew since the future couldn’t be altered, the only way to repopulate the fairy folk was to create a way to turn other beings into their kind. Following which the bracelet was made, but its dangerous existence was leaked by a gossipy servant boy, which had reached all the way to Kayin’s ears. Since becoming a fae was equal to being immortal, it was important that it be in good hands. So, Lilith took responsibility of that, and, furthermore, in honor of their respective kingdoms, they swore peace and tranquility in the future, and the last witch Lilith took her bracelet and parted ways with the last fairy folk Jolinn and Kayin. They go on to live in tranquility and friendship for centuries to come.
👧my fairy🌷 using new pen tab...!!!!✨💻🌈  she glows with happiness ✨

Photo manipulation time..!!! 😊 lets go on an adventure🐲⚔🐉💰💎dragons fight among themselves and ignore the hero 😄    Software photoshop cs6 for all these💜

She's thinking out of the blue📘 :D💙

Pretty butterflies 🦋🦋🦋find a happy moment with the flowers✨🌹🌹🌹🌹

♫Under the sea..🎵 sunlight makes the the rocks sparkle :)

Fairies make the little fairy smile with bubbles👸😊🍭  dragonfly joins the fun🎀🚁

The sunset paints the sky orange 💛🌳🌞time for an evening walk🎒  :D
Digital art💖How many marshmallows??👧🍨